Emma Watson... Sticking to her Roots.

And that's about it, apparently.

I'm torn. 

Love it... or leave it?

{After she posted this picture to Facebook, 6000 people "liked" the new do...}

Either way, I'll always love little Hermione Granger.


  1. Love the pixie cut, very Mia Farrow, Twiggy!

  2. she has great features to carry of the short cut...will take me a little while to "like" it though =)


  3. i think i love it - she can definitely pull it off

  4. love it, looks fresh and pixie like.

  5. I don't love it, but she looks much better in these photos than she did in the pap shots. Very Mia Farrow. She can pull it off, but I've never been a fan of supershort hair. I think she's adorable regardless.

  6. leave it-NEVER been a fan of pixie hair!

  7. Harry Potter rules at our house! I must say as a general rule of thumb...I'm not into short, short hair. However, Emma can pull it off and I think it's the show of a really beautiful woman who can wear it that way.

  8. There are not many people that can pull that haircut off. Although, it dashes my vision of Hermione, that girl has the bone structure to pull that hair off! I think that she looks much older, which is probably what she was going for after having to be a mousy-haired kid for several years. Also, she probably gets mobbed just a touch less with this hair. That makes it worth it right there!

  9. i think she pulls it off well - very twiggy-esque

    plus i can't wait to see what she does with the growing out process!

  10. I love it. I figure she's young enough, and sassy enough, to pull it off. Go Emma!

  11. She carries the pixie well but I love her wild curly hair. :-)

  12. Is this for a role, I wonder? She looks a lot like Mia Farrow.


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