In case this looks too easy...

People always ask me 
how we travel with a baby.

Well, we just do.

It's possible...
and it's not too painful
at this stage in our life.

In fact, it's actually pretty fun.

But don't be fooled...
it's not always easy.

No matter how serene
our pictures may seem...

well, she's still a baby.

Have a great weekend!

*images original to Aspiring Kennedy


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! A really, really adorable one at that!

  2. Oh my gracious! So darling! She's the cutest little jet-setter around!

  3. You make it look so easy! We traveled with a six month old which was easy itself but all the stuff we had to pack (I shipped diapers ahead of time) was not so easy. You do it flawlessly!

  4. I agree you just do it, I tell all my friends that we just added some more bags to our stuff but our babies (and kids) will be babies and kids whether they are in the US, in Europe, wherever, so we may as well travel with them!

  5. So cute! I think your travel with a baby is amazing - you're a braver woman than I.

    Suppose Anything Goes

  6. Haha! Thanks for the laugh - great way to start the morning!

  7. That is amazing. I was waiting for sound advice but that photo makes me feel better about traveling than any advice could!

    Our first airplane trip to Florida was not as painful as I imagined but the stress going into it was bad! And that's only a 2 hr flight with grandparents picking us up- can't imagine you guys!

  8. ha! noted :) have a great weekend lauren! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  9. So jealous of all of your travels and living abroad. I'm a Texan that moved to Austria with my husband in 2009. We were there for almost 4 years (and I blogged!) and we loved it. Our son was born right when we moved back and it just gets harder to travel as they get older, but what a great experience for your daughter.

  10. So jealous of all of your travels and living abroad. I'm a Texan that moved to Austria with my husband in 2009. We were there for almost 4 years (and I blogged!) and we loved it. Our son was born right when we moved back and it just gets harder to travel as they get older, but what a great experience for your daughter.

  11. That bottom photo is my favorite of Viola ever!!! Ha! I think you need a blog post called "outtakes"...just to keep us from feeling quite so jealous of your fabulous travels!

  12. Snacks and more snacks is the way I do it;)
    I am taking style notes from Viola.

  13. Oh that is hilarious. I love that your personality (and humour) in real life really shines through in your blog. miss you babette. x

  14. This is hilarious! Tyler's face is awesome.

  15. Seriously laughed out loud - too funny!

  16. Treasure being able to travel while she is still young. My daughter, Angie, hit the age of ten and our traveling slowed down. Now, she is 14.5 years old and I would love to be able to just travel as you do. It will not be possible until she graduates high school.

  17. I keep coming back to look at this picture because it is just so adorable and so hilarious and it makes my day every time. Thanks for sharing!

  18. bahaha oh my goodness so funny and so real!!

    my parents lived abroad when me, my sister and brother were really little and though it was hard because there were more of us than them, they always say it was the best time ever and definitely possible! i think sometimes people get so scared that they don't try traveling with kids. but then again i have no idea because i don't have kids haha!

    sweet baby will cherish hearing all the places she went even though she doesn't remember them and the pictures of her in the alleyways and at the monuments! just like me :)

    xo mk

  19. Love! I am still SO interested in hearing advice & tips from you on how you do it! Post inspiration for next week? ;) xx


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