A Sunday Scene...

I've been at the beach all day here in Portugal.

After hours in the sun, I am a tomato.

A happy tomato.

Oh, friends,
if I can recommend one place to you-
it's Albufeira, Portugal.

I love it here.

It's so easy to fly here,
 and best of all... it's cheap!

This was the walk down to the beach this morning for me. 


How is your weekend holding up?

What wonderful things have you been doing
during your down time?


  1. I will be in Europe next summer and from the looks of this I will be adding Portugal to my list. Thanks for the tip. Have fun.
    Ramblings of a Small Town Girl

  2. beautiful! happy you are having a great time Lauren!
    It's a date about the photography exhibit, its on until the 30th of october, pick a date when you are settled and we will rock it! cant wait! xoxo

  3. We went to Portugal on our honeymoon - long ago!
    Happy weekend to you dear and I would love to be your guest anytime.

  4. Beautiful scenery, Lauren! Portugal is a fab place, not been for years, but loved it when I did go. Enjoy the rest of your stay!

  5. What gorgeous scenery! Also, love the use of "happy tomato" -- cute way to put it!

  6. How gorgeous sweetie! I'm so happy that you're having such a wonderful time! xoxo

  7. that looks dreamy :) our weekend was nice but a bit busy...finally getting to relax today!


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