Sometimes It Is Okay...

Sometimes you might find yourself grumbling 
on what should be the perfect day.

You might be feeling the lack of sleep while visiting the Loire Valley...

You might be distracted by the massive to-do list awaiting you
 while trying to enjoy a glorious site...

You might find yourself feeling begrudgingly broke
while shopping along a parisian market...

and, sometimes, that's okay.

Because, the truth is, life is beyond the pretty veneer
of beautiful pictures & glamorous settings.

In fact, having a happy life 
really doesn't have anything to do 
with either of those things.

But sometimes, 
when you start wallowing in your own grievances,
you need someone to call you out
and remind you that life is, actually, really good.

Maybe this reminder can help you like it helped me!

*images original to aspiring kennedy


  1. Actually exactly what I needed to read at the moment- thank you lovely:) And PS, grumpies or no're as adorable as always. xo

  2. Absolutely true and such an easy thing to forget when dealing with the hustle, bustle and expense of traveling (it's still totally worth it)!

  3. What a great post. It's nice to know that someone whose blog seems so lovely and perfect, has not so lovely and perfect moments. <3

  4. Great read for today... thank you!

  5. I think it is a good lesson that no matter how perfect ones life may look, we all have our days...our issues...our moments. It's ok to have a pity party now and then...

  6. Thank you for the reminder! I think there's a pessimist in all of us. But I sincerely think that it's okay to wallow just a bit, even when you live a life such as fabulous as yours. But you have such the perfect attitude when it comes to living life to the fullest, no matter where you are.

  7. Love that first photo - I swear it's like me to a T. I always do that :)

  8. such a good reminder! (& your look adorable - that dress looks like it was made for you!)

  9. Thanks for this! I will definitely keep this in mind!

  10. we all have those moments! p.s you are beautiful! i love the tip toeing along the pond photo. :)

  11. Cute post! Also, I want your dress!

  12. very true! I have a cold at the mo which makes me double grumpy! love the dress too

  13. Great post! And the opera house is pretty much my favorite building in Paris :)

  14. So true! I regularly remind myself how lucky I am. It's so refreshing to think that while I don't have the fancy house/clothes/job I sometimes wish for, there is so much more important stuff I do have!

  15. How right you are, Lauren! I'll think of you the next time I have a grumble or two...

  16. Just started reading your blog and this little post just made me love it even more. L-O-V-E your perspective!

  17. Darling pics. Great post. Perfect reminder. Traveling vicariously through you this year! Love it!

  18. I love you (a lot)... but no, I don't typically find myself in a Parisian market... broke or not ; ) Only kidding, of course you're right! Remember what blessings you have and not what you don't have. A glass half full perspective will cure the blues any time!

  19. Oh wow! I've just discovered your blog. LOVE the incredible photos I've seen so far. I've always wanted to explore the Loire Valley. I'm guilty of complaining and whinging until I realized there are some who are worse off than me yet they're resolutely plowed on regardless.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. OMG I love your jumpsuit, where from where from? I'm going to copykat you!! :)xo

  22. Totally agree! I may or may not have trudged grumpily and distractedly through the Opera House...and I don't regret my decision in doing so! Sometimes it's just nice to run through your mental to-do list while in a different place! Great post! XO


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